
In dental education, the University of Oulu prides itself in taking advantage of the latest technology, teaching methods and a digital approach to dental treatments. The journey from a dental school to dental practice is made as smooth as possible with the help of digital learning materials and a cutting-edge learning environment, equipped with Planmeca simulation and dental care units, software and CAD/CAM solutions.

Planmeca solutions at Uni Oulu

48 Planmeca Compact™ i Touch dental units
31 Planmeca Compact™ iSim simulation units
Planmeca PlanID™ sign-in system for dental units
1 Planmeca Emerald® intraoral scanner
1 Planmeca PlanMill® 40 S milling unit
4 Planmeca PlanScan® intraoral scanners
Planmeca PlanCAD® Easy CAD software
Planmeca Romexis® software
LM Dental Tracking System™ for instruments

University facts

Founded in 1958
52 new dentistry students admitted each year






A simulation unit that supports four-handed dentistry was exactly the solution we were looking for, since we have 30 simulation units and over 50 students in class. Planmeca simulation units also allow moving the phantom head laterally, which allows lefthanded users to learn working with a patient in an ergonomic position, too.

Ritva Näpänkangas, DDS, PhD,
Senior Lecturer at University of Oulu

