Romexis® Image Cloud
Secure cloud service for hosting Romexis database and images



Planmeca offers a secure cloud service for hosting Romexis® images, server, and database, providing a convenient alternative to local on-site servers. Romexis® Image Cloud allows dental practices to store and access images anytime, from any location – a perfect solution for dental practices of all sizes. 

Best place for Romexis images 

With our Romexis® Image Cloud hosting service, you can securely store your Romexis® database and images in a cloud environment and access them from various locations. The service includes comprehensive backups, maintenance, and data security for your cloud database, allowing you to allocate resources for patient care. 


Unlimited access to Romexis images from various locations 

Romexis Image Cloud enhances and simplifies your daily work with patients. Through the cloud service, you can easily and flexibly manage and examine patient images in the Romexis database anytime and anywhere. Patient images are also accessible simultaneously in multiple locations through the cloud service. 


Predictable and controlled service costs 

With Romexis Image Cloud, there is no need to invest in on-site IT infrastructure or allocate resources for server maintenance, data backups and technical support – Romexis Image Cloud handles them for you. The subscription-based service also protects you from unexpected expenses due to equipment failures, ensuring consistent and predictable costs. 


Secure cloud service provided by Entteri 

The Romexis Image Cloud service is provided by a Planmeca Group company, Entteri Oy, leveraging years of Romexis expertise to deliver a secure, cost-effective cloud solution with a top-notch user experience. The service is built on a scalable platform, ensuring secure data storage with regular backups and easy recovery. 


Seamless transition to cloud hosting 

Image Cloud allows Romexis software to be hosted in the cloud, integrating server applications, databases, and image files. This service ensures seamless and efficient operations with high performance and security, while Romexis continues to provide the same reliable experience without disruption.  


Subscription options for different needs 

Romexis Image Cloud has a monthly subscription fee, which depends on the needs and technical infrastructure of a dental practice. Thanks to its robust cloud infrastructure, Romexis Image Cloud is reliable, fast, and easily scalable. The service provides a future-proof solution that adapts to evolving needs and offers predictable, controlled costs tailored to your usage. 


Rigorous information security and data privacy protocols 

Data privacy and security are paramount for Romexis Image Cloud, which adheres to the strictest regulations, including General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the EU and UK. The service provides automatic daily backups, ensuring data is securely stored and easily recoverable. 
