The current pandemic has brought infection control to the forefront, and it is especially important that safe practices are adhered to at all times. Now probably more than ever, patients pay special attention to the cleanliness of supplies and equipment, so a clean-looking treatment environment is also a crucial part of good customer service and a key factor in attracting customers. We have compiled some suggestions to help your clinic improve dental unit infection control and build patient trust – without having to invest in a new dental unit.
Article Jun 02, 2020
You can easily enhance the look of your Planmeca dental unit thanks to its effortless upgradability. Small changes can make a world of difference in a dental clinic’s overall appearance.
Upholstery is one the dental unit features that patients first notice. After years of use, especially if not taken care of as instructed, the upholstery can look worn out and even have small cracks that are difficult to keep clean. With Planmeca dental units, you can either change the entire upholstery or only the parts covering the backrest, legrest, headrest or armrests.
Discover our upholstery selection
The dental unit bowl is subjected to frequent use in treatment situations. As it is regularly exposed to fluids and one of the most visible parts of the dental unit, it could be beneficial to replace the bowl assembly with a new one or remove it completely if it is not needed.
Since the operating light is positioned right over the patient during treatment, its appearance can have a significant effect on the clinic’s image.
The light handles are touched frequently by the dental team, so an extra pair of handles will come in handy while the other pair is being autoclaved.
Beyond infection control aspects, replacing old halogen operating lights with LED lights not only adds light intensity but also cuts down energy bills and the carbon footprint.
Discover our Planmeca Solanna™ operating lights with autoclavable handles
Clean treatment water is essential for ensuring safe dental treatments. Planmeca offers different waterline treatment systems for different needs. These cleaning systems are also available as retrofits.
Planmeca ActiveAqua™
Planmeca ActiveAqua™ is an innovative dental unit integrated water treatment system based on electrochemical disinfection. It purifies the water entering the dental unit without any added chemicals and without requiring any extra effort. Only regular flushing procedures and a weekly quick check are required.
Planmeca Waterline Cleaning System™
The highly automated Planmeca Waterline Cleaning System™ consists of a weekly overnight treatment with disinfectant. It is based on traditional waterline treatment with hydrogen peroxide, but unlike in other systems, no hydrogen peroxide is left in the treatment water. This way the patients and the dental team are not exposed to hydrogen peroxide on a continuous basis.
Planmeca Clean Water System
The Planmeca Clean Water System is a water bottle system that is used when connecting to city water is either not allowed or possible.
We also offer a retrofit possibility of the Planmeca Suction Tube Cleaning System (STCS) which significantly simplifies and automates the disinfection process of suction tubes. The disinfectant is not only flushed through the suction tubes like in other systems but it is left to act for two minutes (the hoses are filled with diluted disinfectant so that no air is left in the system). This guarantees an optimal cleaning result. The efficiency of the system has been established in an independent scientific study*.
* M.A. Boyle, et al., Overcoming the problem of residual microbial contamination in dental suction units left by conventional disinfection using novel single component suction handpieces in combination with automated flood disinfection, Journal of Dentistry (2015)
More on Planmeca's infection control solutions
More on Planmeca Romexis Clinic Management
Last but not least, yearly maintenance is a crucial part of dental unit infection control and the only way to guarantee the optimal performance of your dental unit. Regular maintenance also helps you avoid unexpected technical problems and urgent service visits, which can lead to patient cancellations. So don't forget to take care of your Planmeca dental unit!