Without noise removal
With the Planmeca AINO™ noise filter
All Planmeca 3D units are capable of capturing noise-free CBCT images due to the Planmeca AINO™ noise filter. It reduces noise while preserving valuable details. Planmeca AINO allows using lower exposure values and improves image quality when using small voxel sizes.
Planmeca AINO analyses exposure data during CBCT image reconstruction and adaptively differentiates noise and fine details. It allows lowering exposure values in all imaging modes by reducing noise. The acronym AINO stands for Adaptive Image Noise Optimiser.
Planmeca AINO allows using lower exposure values and helps to improve image quality when using small voxel sizes – such as the endodontic imaging mode in which noise is inherent due to an extremely small voxel size.
CBCT images captured with our Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™ imaging protocol can have higher noise levels due to their exceptionally low doses. Planmeca AINO is also useful tool for reducing noise from these images and achieving clear results.