Softwareversion Planmeca Romexis 6.4.7

CAD/CAM module

Romexis® CAD/CAM module is now completed with brand new tabs for designing and milling restorations. From now on, all tasks from scanning to designing dental restorations and preparing them for milling can be performed in one modern user interface with extreme ease and enjoyment. In addition to design and milling features, the new software release also introduces updates to existing features and functions.


New names for scan layers and groups

The software release introduces new names for different scan types and scanning groups on the Scan tab to make them more intuitive for users: Layers are now called Scans and Groups are now called Alignments.


New tab for restoration design

The brand new Design tab presents various features and tools for designing chairside restorations that fit precisely. The user interface follows the modern look and feel of Romexis 6 with excellent usability.

The intuitive software allows designing single-unit crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers, which can be sent to a milling unit or printed with a dental 3D printer. The software supports designing single-unit restorations on multiple teeth across both arches in a single case.


Designing bridges and abutments is not yet supported in Romexis 6.4.7 release. Future Romexis versions will include full support for these as well.

Guided workflow for extreme ease of use

For new and less experienced users, the Design tab offers an easy entry into the world of same-day dentistry. The Guided Workflow option shows all required steps for restoration design and hides all tools and features which are not needed to complete the workflow. This way, the Guided Workflow tool ensures the user completes all necessary steps before the restoration is sent to mill.

The option can be enabled or disabled simply by clicking on an icon on the tool bar.



Expert mode for advanced users

Proficient users can opt out not to use the Guided Workflow and customise their workflows freely.

Sophisticated restorations based on a patient anatomy or a tooth library template

For the restoration design, the user can choose between using an existing anatomy of the patient or a template from the integrated tooth libraries of the software. Thanks to automatic segmentation of the teeth, the user can easily copy or mirror an existing anatomy for the restoration design, e.g. clone the same tooth from the other side of the arch.

The user can also use an anatomy from different libraries, including Brenes, Library A or Library C. The Library A is suitable for a more general restorative design while the Library C offers a set of teeth with more anatomical details for a high-end aesthetic design. For incisors, users can also select A1, A2, A3 or cutback A4.

Users can also easily create digital wax-ups based on the intraoral scan and use these wax-ups for the restoration design.



Easy-to-use tools for outstanding results

The Design tab includes a wide range of tools that help users to design and manufacture restorations that always fit precisely.
• Viewing tools for analysing the restoration, including measuring material thickness, showing contacts, a slice plane view and design grids for aesthetic cases.
• Transformation tools, including a gimbal tool for moving, rotating and resizing the restoration design as well as an Expand tool.
• Modification tools, including rubber tooth, adding and removing material and a smoothing tool.
• Contact tool for adjusting interproximal and occlusal contacts.
• Emergence profile adjustment tools for crowns.
• Open mouth view (clamshell) positioning.



3D printing restorations enabled

In addition to creating solid and hollow bases for 3D printable models, Romexis CAD/CAM module now also enables the 3D printing of dental restorations. Once the restoration design has been finalised, the restoration model can be sent to any 3D printer as a STL file.

New tab for milling restorations

The Romexis release 6.4.7 also introduces a new tab for preparing the restoration designs for milling. On the Mill tab, the user selects the manufacturer, material, translucency, shade and size of the block for the restoration. The restoration material can also be selected already while marking the margin line to ensure the restoration design later follows the limits of the selected material. The tab also includes the following tools:
• Block outline view for checking and adjusting how the restoration will be fitted in the block.
• Easy sprue positioning.
• Milling simulation.
• Support for multiple Planmeca PlanMill® milling machines.


Other improvements and changes in the CAD/CAM module

• New icon for Slice plane tool on the Margin tab.
• Exporting scan body cases to Planmeca PlanCAD® Premium now supported on Send tab.

3D imaging module

Nerve tools, including Draw nerve and Draw root canal, are now also available in the 3D Explorer. This allows users to draw the nerve, for example, directly to the sagittal view or wherever the nerve canal is visible.


The new software release introduces a new tag in the image thumbnail, indicating that the image has been segmented using Romexis Smart®.
